A downloadable game

  This game is meant to be printed onto the front and back of one sheet of paper then cut and stapled together. This is my first zine so if it is weird that is why. If it is not weird cool.

  This game is a super simple version of The Thirty Moons System made specifically for one to two players who have no experience with TTRPGs. Your goal is to make a thing out of found and/ or "liberated" objects. You don't need to understand traits, skills or modifiers. You only need one six sided die and some creativity.

  Now I know what you are thinking. Why did you make this? Fairy Tale Endings, Weather We Lost Control, Gauntlet Of Fire, All Of Us Together and Vault Life can all be played with two people.  The Thirty Moons System is not complicated. The core rules are only about eight pages. I know people who will not play board games with victory points in them, because they do not understand the concept. If you have never played a TTRPG eight pages is a lot.

  Beth and Angel thought The Thirty Moons System sounded intimidating. Checks, skills, modifiers, etc. are not second nature to everyone. They made me realize how high the barrier to entry for the game is and I wanted to lower it so anyone can play. Absolute beginners are welcome. You will be playing Vault Life in no time.

  Also Beth and Angel were talking about making zines and I thought it sounded like fun. I took my own advice and made a thing.

  The fort in the thumbnail was made with cardboard, crayons, finger paints, the flag is a vampire's cape, and the door was cut out with a bird's beak.


Make A Thing digital..pdf 440 kB
Make A Thing..pdf 502 kB


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Hi, maybe my voice cut out on stream? As that is not what our thoughts were at all. I said a lot of systems can feel intimidating to beginners but what I liked about your Thirty Moons system is that it was user friendly and explained things in a very simply way for people unfamiliar with TTRPGs. That you could run this without having GMd before.
~ Angel

  I know. My impression of your thoughts on The Thirty Moons System didn't come from any one thing you said.  Later while talking about Lasers and Feelings you said it is a great introductory game because it is simple and can be played with two people. You expanded on why you felt that way and your thoughts inspired me to make a simplified game for The Thirty Moons System.

   I don't mean to put words in your mouth. I felt like you thought aspects of The Thirty Moons System were a bit much. I took that and tried to spin it into a story. This is a combination of things you said, things I felt and showmanship.

   I am sorry if I miss represented what you said, but I do honestly feel it is accurate to the things you said on stream, even if you did not say them directly about The Thirty Moons System. And I am glad you said those thing. You were right. The Thirty Moons System could be more beginner friendly. There is more I can do to include a greater number of people. I am grateful to you.